
Continue in Patience

I was faced with the marshmallow challenge last Thursday in my family finance class. Our lesson was on having patience while our money grows without us touching it. We were all given a marshmallow and were told that we couldn't eat it until the end of the class. Along with that, if we were patient until the end, we could receive TWO marshmallows! It's harder than it looks! I don't ever crave marshmallows but right then I wanted nothing but that marshmallow! I kept looking at it and told myself that I had enough patience, which I did and at the end I took a nice big bite out of it and gladly accepted my second reward,  received a nice pat on the back from my professor and fist bumped with my fellow classmates! This lesson can relate to anything in our lives regarding patience. Patience is constantly needed in my life especially right now! I loved the talk that Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave about this very important lesson. It's so great and worth watching so I decided to include it right here! 

Never give up.

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