
{ The sure way to Eternal Happiness } #45

August 18, 2014

Hey there! Another week flew by in La Plata! The mission has all been a huge learning experience. I've just been remembering memories from around a year ago and it seems like so long ago! I have learned so much in this short time and I am so grateful for all of it. 

On Friday we had a Relief Society activity and celebrated Florencia's not so single life! She is getting married on Friday and we are so excited to go! She has been planning for months and they day is finally here. It was good to get all of the sisters together and the members are stepping up in making everyone feel included. 

We got some service opportunities this week as we cleaned the chapel with the ward! Yay Service haha

Jhenny and Daniel are doing so great! So my bag has been hurting the heck out of my back so Jhenny gave me a new backpack! I was so surprised and it really helps so much, all the walking was taking a toll on my back. Plus now I feel like my shoulders won't be lopsided. Sweet!

On Wednesday we had Zone Conference! It was soooo great. It's always a treat to hear president and get excited to work. Also, it helps me know that I have a ton to improve on haha. He talked a lot about pride. How that was the number one reason for destruction in the Book of Mormon. There are so many ways we can be prideful and everyday I want to work on being more humble and allowing myself to change!

President talked a lot about Opening our mouths. If we don't have investigators.... open your mouths! If you don't have something to do, talk to someone! It's that easy! But it's sometimes hard... intimidating if not... but it helps us realize our purpose and authority out here as missionaries. This morning we were doing some practices and I pretended to be some lady on the sidewalk sweeping and my companion had to find a way to talk to me. We got way into it haha and in the end we just ended up laughing a ton but she is gaining more and more confidence in what she really does know! D&C 24:12 Pray for us to be able to find new investigators, and we'll be praying that you find opportunities to share the gospel. :)

President said that it is prideful to not share what we have and to not open our mouths...there is need for improvement! Pray that we can see miracles this week! :) 

Marcelo went on a long trip to Brazil and we had been really missing him and kind of getting worried!! But, a few days ago we went to his apartment to track him down and turns out he had returned from visiting his "friend" in Brazil... She works in the Sao Paolo Brazil temple and they are going to get married, we just know it. Eternal families for the win! Marcelo received the Priesthood yesterday and we cannot be happier for his decisionas and the change that he has made in his life to follow Christ.

One of my friends wrote in a little book that I have whenever I leave an area and he said " To quote Charlie Brown the musical, "Happiness is two kinds of Ice Cream, finding a pencil, sharing a joke… Happiness is the simplest of things, you've helped me realize that. If we asked the Savior what his happiest moment was during his ministry, I am sure that he would say something like, holding a child, seeing understanding dawn over his followers faces, maybe even sitting down and praying by himself. But I don't think it'd be walking on water or stilling the storm, It'd be seeing someone’s life be affected by his hands."

The mission is wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. I find happiness out of the littlest of things and I am happy that I am able to do it and that I can help people be happy through it as well. Yes, the miracles can be big, but it's really what we make of them. If I say it was a miracle that I understood some concept that I had been studying forever, no one can tell me, no.... you're wrong. It's like testimonies... they are personal. I am glad that I have been able to see the hands of the Lord in the work. I am grateful for every single moment of my life. I am grateful for the hardships, I am grateful for the happiest of times. I am grateful for the precious study time that I get on the mission. I am grateful for this time to realize my potential, I am grateful for my companions, for my many blessings and for the affect that Christ and his Atonement has had on my life. 

At times when I feel overwhelmed, wondering if I really made the correct choice or uncertain of how to proceed....or if trying my best just doesn’t seem to be good enough, or I'm feeling like the walls are closing in, or like there is more weight on my shoulders than I can bear.....I have learned that I can't judge myself by what I understand of my potential, I have to trust in the Lord and what He can do with my dedicated heart and willing mind. No matter how difficult the problems are that surround me, the Lord knows how to resolve them. 

This week I continued to read in Doctrine and Covenants but also, Didn't you just love reading in Mosiah? I love how much he talks about service, his love for his people, his love for the Lord. It's a great talk that King Benjamin gives. I loved Chapter 5 when it talks about the great change in the hearts of the children, they had no more desire to do evil but only to do good and to take upon them the name of Christ. They were willing to enter the covenant. Aren't we all just trying to be a little more focused on heavenly things? I mean really.... we're not going to have material things in the end! But there can be a good balance. When we treasure first, the things of heaven, we are blessed with everything we could ever need here on earth.  This week’s assignment is through chapter 13. Not too much!  Reading a bit about Ammon and the people of Zennif, then comes wicked King Noah and Abinadi! :)  Preach my gospel study continues and we are now on lesson 5! :)

I love each and every one of you a TON and I hope that you have the best week! Yo sé que ésta es la iglesia verdadera porque puedo sentirlo. Puedo sentirlo en cada momento de cada día con todo mi corazón. Yo sé que Dios conteste mis oraciones y aunque siento que necesito mucho fortaleza y ayuda, el siempre me ayuda..sin duda. Yo sé que al vivir el evangelio, seremos muy bendecidos. ¡Es una vida muy corta y debemos disfrutar cada segundo! Nuestro Padre Celestial nos ama mucho. Somos hijos de él. tenemos un propósito el la vida y cuando hacemos las cosas sencillos y correctos, podemos obtener un testimonio grande de ese veracidad. 

Con MUCHO amor,

Hermanita Barrett 

"Regardless of our age and stage in life, daily obedience to gospel principles is the only sure way to eternal happiness."- Donald L. Staheli 

Me encanta! Clink on the link! Read it! :)

Florencia's Last Single Supper!

Jhenny bought me a backpack

Hermana Knowlton

La Plata Hermanas

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