Photo A Day April lives on!
Let me introduce my wonderful lab partner April. Well, I am sure she has been introduced before but let's just give her a little bit more attention. I love this girl and I would die in my Nutrition class without her! We have so much fun and are pretty much the same person. Im going to miss this little ball of joy when I move up to Utah but we have plans to be friends forever so, we're good. #someonewhomakesyousmile
A quote I live by every day. You should too! woo!
Saturday meant half off Goodwill day! I seriously had such good luck!I was so excited to see two dollar camera's. Usually Goodwill carries a few camera's but they aren't usually very quality or they don't usually qualify as a collectors item. I'm a collector of these babies and when I saw these I almost teared up. This visit was totally worth the drive and the constant smell of a homeless man whenever he walked by. I'm telling you, the smell was raunch. Seriously the worst smell in the world. Nevertheless, I got these camera's, another one that wasn't too photogenic and didn't make the cut for the photo, two belts and a brand new photoshop for mac, all for... 12 dollars! I love goodwill.. probably more than I should!
Decorating Easter Eggs at Nicole's house! The guy at CVS gave me an interesting look when I walked up with a little pack of kiddie crayons.
Just a little throw back! #youngerme
#lunch. The best meal at RA! This bowl was so good and so cheap, with Julissa's wonderful half off discount. This might be the thing that I miss most when I move.. ha just kidding! (maybe)
There's a stain on my shirt. Yes! now everyone knows that I wore this shirt yesterday. Don't act like you don't do it too! I'm seeing different people today than I did yesterday.. except this shirt is in all of my Easter pictures.. Shoot.. now the whole world is aware that I didn't take time to pick out a new outfit today. I thoroughly looked at this shirt to make sure that there wasn't a stain on it. Well, Now I have to face the shame at school, all day. Maybe I'm over exaggerating.. although, this picture doesn't capture the full effect of the foreign stain. Curse you stain!
To add to that, My plans to wake up early to work out failed, along with my plan to shower. Hello there day two hair, you look mighty fine today. Nahhhht. Good thing I was well fed and am ready for a great day of learning! Wooo!
P.S. This post makes me sound really gross and unkempt. I'm not!
Happy Tuesday!
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