Spoiler Alert: Mona is "A" and if this is actually a spoiler for you, get outta here, it was on last night!
A was revealed on the last episode of the season. I have never been so into a TV show as much as this one! If I miss PLL one time, I freak out. This show is so good! Yeah the acting isn't all that great but, the story is genius! I am one of those people that looks up spoilers and although I tried to hold myself back, I looked up who "A" was about five months ago. Everyone says that it's the same as the books which I haven't read. Sooo I figure if they know, then I should know! Right? Yes. Well the spoilers were right but this episode just left us hanging and pretty much implied that there is more to "team" A. (I read this in the spoilers too.) I just want to watch the next season already! It starts this summer. How am I going to survive?! Makayla and I screamed for 5 minutes straight hoping that our complaining would do something to change the beginning date of the next season. It didn't. Until then, I will stay crawled up in the fetal position under my bed. Ha just kidding. This is a desperate call for suggestions of a new show to fill the time (or become addicted to)!
PLL!!! i've been trying to cut back on tv to prepare for the mish, but PLL is still in my life. tuesdays might be my favorite day and i might always try to make sure my plans include staying home for the night. PLL is totally my guilty pleasure, the show is basically awful, but i love it so much. and can we please talk about ezra?!?! dream man right there. have you ever watched revenge? it's a close second when it comes to crappy television dramas that suck you right in.