One may say that we're crazy but my adventurous and spontaneous little mind tapped into my thoughts on Sunday morning. Julissa and I have weekly sleepovers on Sunday nights because we both don't have school on Monday's. I get up four hours earlier than her each time and wait until the day is almost over for her to wake up! I'm an early riser and can't stand sleeping longer than 9! Well, This little tradition of ours changed when I suggested leaving for California at 3:30 AM Sunday morning. Yep, we did it! We both had to be back for 7:30 school on Tuesday but that wasn't going to hold us back! Julissa called me every few hours before we left to make sure that I was sane. I drove the whole way there into L.A! I had enough energy for a lifetime! Strangly. Julissa thinks it was the St. Johns Wart. Seriously, work's miracles.
Unicorn Pillow Pet and all, we made it to California!
The Grove.

So. Much. Fruit.
First stop, FOOD. A long drive work up the biggest appetites! We went to the Grove shopping center at the Farmers Market. There was an abundant amount of fresh fruit that I wanted to bag up and run away with! After being mesmerized by the fruits of the gods that we could never grow in Arizonatown we went to Charlies, a breakfast joint inside the Farmers Market. Apparently this place has been on the Travel and Food Channel. That sold me and I faintly remember coming to this place my sophomore year of high school on the style trip. My taste buds couldn't make up their mind and I honestly could have eaten a mammoth (figuratively of course). The friendly Charlies guy, (we'll just call him Charlie) suggested the 2x2x2 and although it wouldn't be my normal pick, my mouth spoke before my mind could think! Julissa got a 10 dollar breakfast burrito and she said it was the best she had ever had so I'm thinking it was worth it! Oh, mine was good too but I really could have eaten anything!
The baked goods in the Farmers Market were freshly made and I got my favorite, a chocolate coconut macaroon!
Out of all pictures, this is the one that Julissa wanted to send to her mom..
Bird of Paradise
I couldn't take any of these pictures seriously.
After food we window shopped in the Grove and illegally took pictures in some of the stores that were too high class for our sakes.
Before getting kicked out of Johnny Was. NO PICTURES ALLOWED!

The cutest pillows I have EVER seen!
I liked the pillows.
Just a dead tree wrapped in vintage fabric. But still, I want this in my house.
After shopping, getting lost a million times, struggling to find a gas station and working through our cranky, sleepy attitudes, we got to the beach! Venice Beach that is. We walked down the boardwalk and experienced many interesting things and people. I won't go into too much detail because it might sway you from EVER going to Venice Beach. Okay it wasn't even bad! But after walking by a couple 40 dollar marijuana card shops we went down to the beach! The perfect place to take pictures and to add to that, we spotted dolphins about 10 feet from shore! Julissa almost lost her voice from reiterating to me many times that there were dolphins off the shore when I had clearly already seen them. She was to say the least, excited!
For our loved ones of course :)
Beach Babes.
Strangely fascinated by the shells
Again, this beach wasn't sketchy.... AT ALL!
I'd rather be taking the pictures because apparently I'm just to fierce to handle.
hey buddy, want a balloon? It popped 3 times. AKA IMPOSTOR
Refreshing Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream to finish off a busy day that was in need of some refreshing! We fit everything in the day that we wanted to and we weren't even rushed. I got some good pictures out of it and got to experiment with my new brick of a camera. Everything was beautiful and it was a much needed vacation. Our tiredness got to us by the end of the day and the crankiness came out but I think we both can say that overall, it was well worth it.
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