
{ #blacktagswag } #4

November 4, 2013
Happy Birthday MOM!!!!!! So glad to hear that you got the letter! Happy Halloween too! Price... send me all the candy you don't want... and slip a couple of my favorites in there okay? Not just the grandma hard candies! (you know what I mean)  I'll send you my faves from here! Little switcharoo like the old days :) PS I don't mind if chocolate is melted... hint hint.. seriously... Mmmm...Reeses...

Oh...Hello WORLD!! It's beautiful and sunny today and I'm in Banfield, Argentina! I am traveling for Visa papers this weekend and it's been a fun little adventure! A little stressful but we got to go into the city of Buenos Aires!  I've had lots of extra study time on the four hour bus rides and NAP TIME! Holy YES!... the best ever. And we got snacks on the bus.. luxury! VIP right here.  haha  But that's my past couple of days! Now for this past week. Twas long and eventful!

So yes, it's starting to get more sunny. Because Pinamar is pretty much exactly like San Diego Paradise,  the weather changes all the time! I'm not complaining though since the beach is right outside my window! Luckily the rain didn't bring us down this week! The 40 mph wind did though.. brought me right down onto Hermana Rodriguez's bike and I broke her headlight. :( Whoops. NBD but the wind struggle is real. PS... did I mention I love my comp? 

So we've had some success this week! Eva and Susana (Eva's friend) have baptism dates!!!
The past two visits with Eva I was always tired and my Spanish focus just switches off and I go into zombie mode. But this past Saturday we had a lesson and she brought her friend Susana and my Spanish just flew! My Spanish is really coming along... I mean some days I want to curl up in a ball and cry but you know what.. it's coming along well! haha

Getting to know Susana, teaching half of the lesson... I was just loving it. It was so great and we love these two women! Eva is amazing. This past week she read the Book of Mormon. She loves her Bible and she just kept talking about how the Book of Mormon compliments and explains the Bible. We have watched her testimony shine so much. I was so happy to have success in teaching these new friends of mine. I was not in Pinamar this weekend to go to church but Eva attended with Hermana Rodriguez and hopefully next week Susana will wake up on time to go with! All of our other investigators seem to be progressing as well and the branch is little by little improving! I'm loving them :)
This Thursday we had a mission activity in the church for the branch. It was raining so hard all day that day so we were worried that no one would come. I sent a text message to all the peeps in the ward saying, " If you want blessings... come tonight!!"  haha  We had about 20 people including kids and us four missionaries. We taught all about reverence and recognizing the spirit. It's what needs the most work in this branch! It was such a success and we even acted out bad and good examples of reverence. haha  They got a kick out of that.

Oh, and a little side note...
ELDER HOLLAND IS COMING HERE!!!!! NOV 15 for our Mission Conference!!! I am even more excited than when the light in our apartment room turned on for the first time in forever!

So remember the Pink house?? (Kendall sent us a letter and mentioned that she passes by a hot pink house on her bike every day.  She loves the color so she vowed that she would someday teach the people in it) I clapped at it the other day and she immediately invited us in!! We were so surprised... haha  We think she's a little bit crazy and she lives with her pet parrot but whatevs... we are going back tomorrow! Pink house.. check!!
I received three letters this week !! I was so happy! If I haven't emailed any of you yet send me an email (kendall.barrett@myldsmail.com) your email and address because I might not have it!! :) Love you all and send all letters to the mission address!

Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission
Quintana 447
1846 Adrogue
Buenos Aires, Argentina

I just finished reading M. Russell Ballard's book "Our Search for Happiness". Everyone needs to read it!! The richest blessing in this life is our happiness. It reminded me of all of the happiness this gospel has brought into my life. Have confidence in blessings to come. Have faith in Him. I loved what he had to say about life. "A quality life is one that is constantly growing, expanding its horizons and enlarging its borders. A quality life is one that is filled with love and loyalty, patience and perseverance, kindness and compassion. A quality life is one that is based on eternal potential and not confined to this life only. A quality life is a life well lived."

I am fully aware that I will be put in uncomfortable positions on my mission that can bring stress, sadness, and confusion. Sometimes I will solely be hanging on a string of faith and a testimony in God's will. But I have to keep reminding myself that this is how I grow and knowing this has brought me so much happiness. With time, faith and patience, my weaknesses are becoming strengths, challenges are becoming opportunities, trials are becoming triumphs and adversity is becoming an amazing adventure. 

Life has brought me so many opportunities...traveling, having amazing friends, feeling loved, giving love, my absolutely amazing family, an education, supportive jobs, serving in callings in the church, developing my talents daily and so much more. I know without a doubt that without this gospel I would never have a chance for any of it. I have become so aware of the great blessings I have. I am so grateful for this opportunity (although challenging) that I have to be in Argentina sharing my talents and helping bring others to happiness. I know that through living this gospel I am who I am today and have the people in my life that I love so dearly.

So...Now everyone go enjoy a big spoonful of peanut butter, BBQ sauce and Mexican food for me! Not mixed together of course, but...you know! Miss those things! Oh and those "washin' masheene" things? Yeah... I miss those too. Thanks for all of your constant support and love! Be grateful. We are so blessed! 

(Spanish testimony... horrible attempt, but trying!)

Yo se que la iglesia es verdadera. Yo se que Dios es mi Padre Celestial. Yo se que mi mision es una grand bendición por mi vida y también por todos personas en Buenos Aires que yo tengo el gran oportunidad a enseñar. 

Make this week amazing!!

" I believe in Christ like I believe in the sun-- not because I can see it, but by it I can see everything else."  -CS Lewis.


Paz y Bendiciones my family and friends!!

Off to go spread the word!! 

-Con Amor, Hermana Barrett
Parrots are like regular birds here!

Helmet hair, don't care! ;)
War ship we passed on our road trip to Buenos Aires.
Let's just say I'm busy.
Scored a visit to my favorite house!
Branch Activity... Thumbs up for Reverence!

To all my loves...


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